RPM Staff

The Mountaineer ChalleNGe Academy's Post-Residential program consists of the one-year mentoring relationship following graduation. In order to support this relationship on an on-going basis, the Academy's Post-Residential staff work closely with the Cadets during the residential phase to help fine tune their Life Plan, or P-RAP (Post-Residential Action Plan) and will be available to support both the Cadet and Mentor during the post-residential phase.
Post-Residential Staff
RPM Coordinator - North RPM Coordinator - South
Mark Deep 304-329-8116 Vacant 304-981-0021
RPM Assistants - North RPM Assistants - South
Brittany Carpenter 304-329-8114 April Rouse 304-981-0020
Michelle Lowdermilk 304-329-8138 Alton Dillard 304-981-0018
Stephanie Manier 304-329-8139 Chris Copning 304-981-0019
Hannah McCrobie 304-329-8141
Shane Parks 304-329-8144