
What Is Required of a Mentor?
- Commits to spending a minimum of four (4) hours face-to-face time with the Cadet per month for a minimum of 7 months post graduation.
- Attend a four (4) hour Mentor orientation/training at Camp Dawson to learn how to effectively relate to Cadets, to become familiar with program policies and guidelines and to become acquainted with the RPM Assistant and other Mentors in his/her area.
- Must be a minimum of 25 years of age.
- Must be of the same gender as the Cadet.
- Must not live in the same household nor be an immediate relative of the Cadet. Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles are permitted provided they do not reside in the same household.
- Assists the Cadet with the implementation of the life plan that he/she develops in the residential phase.
- Makes consistent contact with the Cadet. With a minimum of four (4) hours per month required, ideally these contacts are made one hour per week.
- Observes all Program policies and guidelines for Mentors.
- Refers the Cadet to community resources as needed and helps the Cadet obtain those resources.
- Submit to a background check.
- Submits a monthly report form to the regional RPM Assistant informing them of contact dates and times, placement activities and any problems or needs with the Cadet or problems with the Mentor/Mentee relationship.
How Can I Become a Mentor?
Complete an online Mentor Application [PDF Free Adobe Download] and mail it to:
NORTH (Preston County): SOUTH (Fayette County): Mountaineer ChalleNGe Academy Mountaineer ChalleNGe Academy PO Box 586 PO Box 177
Kingwood WV 26537 Montgomery WV 25136
- Submit to background check (information included in mentor packet mailed out once application is received)
- Contact RPM Assistant to schedule your Mentor Training Date.
- Attend Mentor Training.
Volunteer position -- but rewards are limitless!