Program Phases

Acclimation Period
First Two Weeks
The first two weeks of the program, referred to as Acclimation, is structured to orient the Cadet toward Success. During this time, the concept of "me" is replaced by "we", through training that focuses around team building, cultural diversity, physical training, and close order drill. Their time will be filled with group activities, platoon classes, and organized competitions.
Phase One: Residential
Phase One is centered around instruction in the 8 Core Components. Computer-assisted learning, traditional instruction and non-traditional classroom settings offer Cadets a variety of academic environments.
A high school diploma is also available to Cadets who qualify. Qualifications which include passing the NGYCP Career and Technical Education Pathway (the MCA Curriculum), pass the High School Equivalency Exam, and obtain WIN Level 4 are all provided at the Academy.
Training certifications in Hunter Safety, Food Handlers, Leadership, CPR, First Aid, Basic OSHA and others provide a well rounded vocational experience. Other activities include organized athletics, adventure training such as rappelling, hiking, land navigation, and preparation in many Service to Community Projects to complete the ChalleNGe educational experience.
Phase Two: Post-Residential
The twelve months following graduation are referred to as the Post-Residential phase. During the residential phase, the Post-Residential Staff, which includes the Placement Coordinator and RPM Assistants, will work with the Cadets preparing them for their return to the community. They will train and match Mentors to Cadets, and Cadets will participate in Mentee training classes. Service to Community Projects, Resume Writing, Interviewing Skills, Career Day and Military Day are just a few of the events that help round out the Program. Participation in community parades and a trip make the experience complete.